Saturday, June 4, 2011

Father's Day

    With Father's day rapidly approaching, I had to really rack my brain for something to give my dad. He is very artistic (which means it has to be tasteful) and has the type of life style that allows him to go out and get most things that he could want. The last couple of years, I have decided that the only thing he doesn't have the ability to go out and buy is things hand made for him by his loving daughter. By making his gifts I can be guaranteed of two things. The first being that he doesn't already have it and the second that he realizes exactly how much thought and effort is put into his gift (that way even if he doesn't like it, he is still happy to have it. Muhahahaha the power of hand made gifts is unconquerable!)
    My father and share a love for art and the finer things, and as I tried to come up with something original with that in mind, I decided that I would find inspiration from the Art Nouveau and Art Deco periods.  Well, I decided to use the KISS method (Keep It Simple Silly) and go with the ever traditional neck tie as a father's day gift. I found some really cool fabric, and using a vintage pattern, I came up with these beauty s:

Unfortunately my camera skills are not what I would like them to be, but hopefully you can see the beauty of them:) I thought they were so cool, I made some extras and listed them in my etsy shop. Hope your father's day gift hunts are going well. :)

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